Meet Your Body
Join physical therapist, women's health expert, Pilates Teacher, mom of two, and coffee lover Jessica Valant as she brings her signature combination of expertise, science based research and compassion to the world of women's health and aging. The Meet Your Body Podcast will topics to help women feel strong, safe and secure in their bodies in all seasons of life. Jessica will use education and knowledge, uplifting stories, actionable strategies and compassion to address things like perimenopause and menopause, endometriosis, hysterectomy, prolapse, infertility, the aging process, exercise, how to advocate for yourself and more. Join us as Jessica shares her own journey with these issues and ultimately provides a guide for aging and living as an empowered and strong woman.
Meet Your Body
Ep. 58 - My Full Breast Cancer Story and Q&A
Jessica was diagnosed with breast cancer in late 2023 and had a bilateral mastectomy six weeks later.
She is now twelve weeks out from her surgery and is here giving you the full story of her diagnosis, treatment, surgery and rehab.
Jessica answers all of the questions she's received from you all, including if she had symptoms prior to diagnosis, why she chose a mastectomy, what treatment looks like now and her advice on how to support friends and loved ones on this same journey.
Breast cancer is a road no one wants to walk, and Jessica hopes this episode and information helps someone else on this journey in the future.
Jessica's Breast Cancer Resource Guide
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Jessica Valant and Jessica Valant Pilates, LLC, recommend you consult with a physician before starting any new exercise program. The information given here is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition.